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Ohio DNR Researcher Matt Faust discusses acoustic telemetry on Lake Erie and GLATOS during a recent episode of the AquaKids TV show.
The robofish are coming! A new underwater gliding robot fish with acoustic telemetry receiver completed first round of field tests on in August. Development is a collaboration of MSU (X. Tan, C. Krueger) and USGS (D. Hondorp, C. Holbrook).
Acoustic telemetry is used to evaluate habitat restoration for warmwater and coldwater fish in Toronto Harbor!
Eastern Basin Lake Erie acoustic telemetry work highlighted when researchers Don Einhouse and Jason Robinson were interviewed for the Outdoor Beat TV show! See GLATOS Project ELEWE!
Innovative acoustic telemetry technology is used by scientists to study the behaviors, movements, and interactions of important fish species in the Great Lakes.
Lake trout spawning, Drummond Island.
Great Lakes Fish
Darryl Hondorp (USGS GLSC) and Chuck Krueger (Michigan State Univ.) with a lake sturgeon from the St. Clair-Detroit River System (photo by Charles Krueger).
Lake sturgeon after release into the St. Clair-Detroit River System (photo by Andrew Muir - GLFC).
Cleyo Harris (Michigan DNR) with a grass carp ready for tagging. (photo by Charles Krueger).
Lake whitefish tagged and ready for release in Lake Erie (photo courtesy of Chris Vandergoot - Ohio DNR)
Chris Vandergoot (Ohio DNR) and Karen Murchie (Carleton Univ.) with a tagged walleye ready for release in the Maumee River (photo by Sean Landsman - Carleton Univ.).
Fish Tagging
Tagging juvenile lake sturgeon for the Maumee River, Ohio
Tagging a muskellunge on the Detroit River (photo by Matt Faust).
Tom Binder (Michigan State Univ.) tags a lake trout at Drummond Island, northern Lake Huron (photo by Charles Krueger).
Darryl Hondorp (USGS GLSC) inserts an acoustic transmitter into an adult lake sturgeon (photo by Charles Krueger).
Releasing lake sturgeon after tagging in the St. Clair-Detroit River System (photo by Andrew Muir).
Eddie Halfyard (Univ. of Windsor) tags a bloater.
Matt Faust (Ohio DNR) tags a walleye.
Inserting an acoustic transmitter into a walleye. An I-button temperature logger is affixed to the tag with blue plasti-dip.
Receiving lake trout from the Chippewa-Ottawa Resource Authority in northern Lake Huron (photo by Charles Krueger).
Jill Brooks (Carleton Univ.) anesthetizes a walleye with a Portable Anesthesia System (PES) prior to surgically implanting an acoustic transmitter (photo by Jacqueline Chapman).
Bringing a lake sturgeon on board for tagging in the St. Clair-Detroit River System (photo by Andrew Muir).
Surgical implantation of a V-16 transmitter into a grass carp while a blood sample was taken for ploidy determination (photo by Charles Krueger).
Chris Holbrook (USGS HBBS) tags a sea lamprey (photo by Andrea Miehls).
Receiver Deployment and Recovery
Receiver appearance after a file season in the Menominee River (photo by Mike Donofrio - WIDNR)
Inserting a new battery and downloading a receiver on the Peshtigo River (photo by Mike Donofrio - WIDNR)
Receivers and acoustic releases ready for deployment in Lake Erie (photo by Matt Faust).
An acoustic receiver and acoustic release is deployed from the USGS Lake Erie Biological Station's R/V Muskie (photo by Matt Faust).
Receivers and releases covered in Dreissenid mussels after one year in Lake Erie (photo by Matt Faust).
Erick Larson (USGS HBBS) with a receiver ready for subsurface deployment in the St. Marys River (photo by Chris Holbrook).
Henry Thompson (USGS HBBS) and Tom Binder (Michigan State Univ.) survey a receiver location for a fine-scale positional telemetry array (largest in the world at the time - 26 sq. km) in northern Lake Huron (photo by Charles Krueger).
A receiver is lifted from the Detroit River (photo by Darryl Hondorp).
Bill Lamoreux and Chris Wright (USGS HBBS) wait for the cue to throw grappling hooks in Lake Huron (photo by Andrea Miehls).
Henry Thompson (USGS HBBS) grapples for a receiver in Lake Huron (photo by Andrea Miehls).
An acoustic receiver covered in cladophora after a summer in Lake Huron (photo by Andrea Miehls).
Jill Brooks (Carleton Univ.) downloads a receiver from a barge in Hamilton Harbor with assistance from Environment Canada's Technical Operations team (photo by William Twardek).
Henry Thompson (USGS HBBS) with a passive drifter fitted with GPS (smartphone) and acoustic receivers for mobile searches of tagged sea lamprey and sturgeon in the St. Clair River (photo by Chris Holbrook).
Moorings and Rigging
Oconto River receiver where receiver and concrete block are attached to this large boulder with a chain and padlock. The river stage was low enough this day that we that we balanced receiver on boulder with rake while we downloaded from the laptop sitti
Early (2007) design of a receiver deployment in the Green Bay area (photo by Mike Donofrio - WIDNR).
An acoustic telemetry receiver on a submerged mooring with line attached to surface float in Lake Huron.
A river style anchor with angled PVC tube used by USGS in the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers (photo by Darryl Hondorp).
A mooring system (with anchor and snag lines) used by USFWS in the Niagara River (photo by Dimitry Gorsky).
Zac Wickert with rebar "mud mount" (and snag line) used in Lake Erie tributaries and other soft-bottomed areas (photo by Chris Holbrook).