Acoustic Telemetry
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Buffalo Harbor Muskellunge
Project Title
Assessing adult Muskellunge movement in Buffalo Harbor, Lake Erie and the Niagara River
Project Code
Project Duration
May 2016 - October 2021
Project Description
The goal of the study is to determine the migratory patterns of adult muskellunge between the Buffalo Harbor, upper Niagara River and Lake Erie. The GLATOS array will be used to document whether Muskellunge that are tagged in Buffalo Harbor stay in the Harbor for most of the year or if they migrate to Lake Erie and/or the Niagara River. Buffalo Harbor once supported an excellent Muskellunge fishery that declined substantially since the 1990's. Knowledge about seasonal use of Buffalo Harbor by Muskellunge will help us determine the factors limiting the recovery of the Muskellunge population in the Buffalo Harbor.
Management Benefits
Participating Organizations