Acoustic Telemetry
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Direct Movement of Non-indigenous Fishes
Project Title
Evaluating the risk of direct movement of fishes through the Welland Canal and St. Marys River
Project Code
Project Duration
April 2011 - April 2016
Project Description
The Welland Canal has been identified as a pathway for direct (dispersal) and indirect (shipping) bi-directional movement of non-indigenous species (NIS) between Lake Ontario and the remaining Great Lakes, and the St. Marys River for movement of NIS between lakes Huron and Superior. Although substantial study is ongoing on the movement of NIS through the shipping vector, there has been virtually no study of the direct movement of NIS through these connections. Fishes of varying sizes and swimming abilities will be tagged internally, and their movement through these connections tracked by receivers placed throughout these systems. The occurrence of fishes in the lock chambers will be additionally assessed using remote hydroacoustics and a didson camera.
Management Benefits
Participating Organizations