Acoustic Telemetry
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St. Lawrence River Muskellunge Project
Project Title
St. Lawrence River Muskellunge Telemetry and Genetics Project
Project Code
Project Duration
May 2023 - April 2033
Project Description
Muskellunge are a native North American fish and apex predator in the St. Lawrence River and have experienced significant decline. Viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHSV), an exotic fish disease that caused a major die-off in the upper St. Lawrence River Muskellunge population, and Round Goby, an invasive species, are identified stressors that are negatively impacting muskellunge populations. A substantial and persistent decline has been documented in the rivers’ Muskellunge population, including reduced numbers of spawning adults, and low abundance of juvenile Muskellunge in identified nursery habitats. This has raised concerned of the sustainability of the upper St. Lawrence River Muskellunge fishery. In addition, the Iroquois Water control Dam and Moses-Saunders Power Dam represent potential barriers to fish passage that could restrict connectivity and gene flow between Muskellunge populations. A more thorough understanding of Muskellunge movements between eastern Lake Ontario and Lake St. Lawrence would better inform on population connectivity and potential gene flow throughout the St. Lawrence River.
Management Benefits
Participating Organizations