Acoustic Telemetry
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St Marys River Sea Lamprey Migration
Project Title
Spatial distribution and abundance of adult sea lampreys during spawning migration through the St. Marys River
Project Code
Project Duration
January 2010 - December 2014
Project Description
The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) is an invasive parasite in the Laurentian Great Lakes that has devastated native fish communities. Control efforts (e.g., removal via trapping, lampricide application, and sterilization) have substantially reduced their negative effects on the ecosystem. However, sea lamprey populations remain above target levels in Lake Huron. The St. Marys River is Lake Huron's largest tributary and greatest source of parasitic sea lamprey. Trapping there occurs at an upstream rapids area near the outflow of Lake Superior. Population assessment and control may be improved by capturing lampreys closer to Lake Huron or in tributaries that are currently not trapped. Up to 400 adult sea lampreys will be acoustically tagged and released in to the lower St. Marys River during spring spawning runs in 2010-2012. A detailed movement history for each tagged lamprey will be collected using a network of 80 acoustic receivers (Vemco VR2W) in the St. Marys River and tributaries.
Management Benefits
Participating Organizations